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There are countless styles of homes – each with their own pros and cons – but aside from specialized house builders, laneway homes tend to be overlooked by many.

In the right situation, however, laneway home building can be an excellent investment for aspiring homeowners or current homeowners looking to expand.

Whether you have the required construction skills yourself or require a laneway house contractor for your new building, Emkor Construction is here to answer any questions you may have.

What is a laneway house?

In short, a laneway house is the small home at the back end of a lot, near the lane used for rear access. These buildings are separate from the main house and can either be standalone homes or suites included above a garage.

Roughly speaking, laneway homes can occupy 16% of your total lot plus some additional space for storage. Laneway house building can be a fun and affordable way to add extra value to your property.

Am I eligible to build a laneway home on my property?

Many properties in Vancouver are eligible for the addition of a laneway home. The biggest restriction for many aspiring laneway home builders in Vancouver is the sixteen-foot distance required between the laneway and the house itself.

However, with creative and thoughtful design, many homebuilders can navigate this restriction with ease. Visit the city of Vancouver website for the most up to date rules and regulations as they pertain to laneway homes.

Do I require a permit to build a laneway home?

All major construction projects require permits, and laneway homes are no different. There are many different permits and approvals you must gain before breaking ground on your laneway home. Every neighborhood has different zoning regulations, and it is your responsibility to research what is allowable development in the area of your property.

From tree protection or approval to remove to proper water and sewer connections, there are many things to consider before you start construction. Much of this you can get pre-approved for, but be sure to budget plenty of time for that process.

What are some benefits of laneway house building?

Laneway homes have a slew of benefits, from the financial to the functional. First, adding a laneway home to your property will increase your property value for future sale. Additionally, if you are currently trying to downsize, you can move into your new laneway home and put your primary residence up for rent.

This strategy also works in the other direction, by renting your laneway out as a holiday rental or to longer-term tenants. If you don’t want the added responsibility of being a landlord, use your new space for visiting friends and family or for your older children to move into as they get their adult feet underneath them.

Once you start examining their potential, the idea of building a laneway home practically sells itself!

We’d love to hear from you!

When you are ready to take on this project, be it by yourself or with a laneway house builder, Emkor Construction is here for you.

Contact us for ideas, designs, quotes, tips on permitting, etc. – our expert staff is always eager to help!